NUFORC UFO Sighting 127819
Occurred: 2016-06-11 22:53 LocalReported: 2016-06-11 21:20 Pacific
Duration: 90 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Fredenberg Township, MN, USA
Shape: Light
Bright Orange Balls at Fish Lake near Duluth, MN.
Fish Lake at Fredenberg Township, 15 mi. NW of Duluth, MN, Saint Louis County; upon leaving my garage my attention was immediately drawn to the sky with two very brilliant orange lights traversing east to west. When first noticed the balls were about 35 degrees up from the eastern limit of the sky. The lights were brighter than anything else in the sky, even greater luminosity than the moon for their size. The lights were bright enough to cast an orange reflection upon the waters of Fish Lake. The objects were at about 70 degrees above the southern limit of the sky and lasted for approximately :50 seconds.
The objects were very bright orange balls but did not appear to be fireballs due to their constant luminosity and lesser speed. From initial siting it took the balls about :50 seconds to traverse the east to west direction before blinking out at about 20 degrees above the western limit of the sky. The balls appeared to traverse in a fairly straight l! ine with the second ball about :05 seconds behind the first. The objects were not white or yellow, but were rather a brilliant very colorful orange of nearly constant brightness until well into the western sky. A slight humming noise was apparent while the objects were in view.
Posted 2016-06-16
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