NUFORC UFO Sighting 127810
Occurred: 2016-06-10 21:55 LocalReported: 2016-06-10 22:04 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Princeton, WV, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
I saw a whire light appear between two stars in the night sky that split into two lights and each flew off in opposite directions
I was sitting outside at work while on break, looking at the stars in the southeast direction, east of the Tourist Information Center at the intersection of I77 and Rt. 460. I saw a white light appear out of the darkness between two stars, a few seconds later the light split into two lights. I yelled to a co-worker to come see the lights, and we watched as the lights slowly started building speed as they flew away in opposite directions.
Posted 2016-06-16
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