NUFORC UFO Sighting 127760

Occurred: 2016-06-06 16:20 Local
Reported: 2016-06-07 11:22 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Quaker Hill, CT, USA

Shape: Orb

Orb Silver metallic No sound.


Hi yes!

I was standing in my driveway, looking up at my gutter, when I noticed something just above the house. What caught my attention was the glare that came off of it, kinda like the way the sun reflects off a plane .

As I'm watching it , it seemed as tho it was descending toward the ground. It was orb shaped, silver metallic in color, no sound coming from or following it. I was watching this object for a good 45 seconds and then it just disappeared.

After it was gone, I scanned the sky to see if I noticed any planes or anything else, but there was nothing!

It was a clear sky, no clouds around. No wind at all. It was approximately 4:20 in the afternoon.


Posted 2016-06-10

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