NUFORC UFO Sighting 127635

Occurred: 2016-05-15 00:01 Local
Reported: 2016-06-01 14:58 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Lucedale, MS, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

4-7 Triangular objects with lights observed hovering over South Mississippi May 2016

As I went to my vehicle to retrieve an item as midnight of May 14, 2016. I turned to go back into the house just after midnight, thus it was now May 15. I observed a bright triangular object, with three lights, just hovering in the southwest, or 7 to 8 o'clock position. It looked as if it was "hanging" over the moon, but it never moved. I pulled up a chair in our drive and just set and watched it. While sitting in the chair, I began to scan the night sky due south & southeast, & observed 2 move of the shape & size. 1 was @ 6 o'clock or almost due south. The other 1 was southeast of @ between 4 & 5 o'clock position. Then as I looked over my left shoulder towards the north by northeast. I spotted a 4th object matching the other 3. They all stayed stationary. I spent 30 minutes observing them. Then @ approximately 00:30 or half past midnight, I went inside. They continue to appear on clear nights, & I have seen up to 7 @ once so far. There may be more, but we have alot of trees with a nice canopy. I'm a 22 year veteran. They may be there each evening, but cloud cover prevents them from being seen. I've seen numerous aircraft around the world. They may be ours, but I've never seen any craft of this shape that could just hover like that. I finally got my wife to go out Sunday night, May 29. She & I saw 5 that evening. My "feeling" is we were/are being observed?

Posted 2016-06-03

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