NUFORC UFO Sighting 12743

Occurred: 2000-04-29 19:00 Local
Reported: 2000-04-29 00:00 Pacific
No of observers: 1

Location: Santa Maria, CA, USA

Shape: Oval

There was a oval shaped craft with lights flashing in a pattern: Red, green, blue, then a blinding flash. It appeared to be chasing a circular ball of light. Then, it looked as if it were going to land, or crash, and it fell at a diagonal angle. The circular object zoomed across the sky, at an amazing speed, then it stopped and stayed there blinking all night, I'd assume.

It was an oval shaped disk. It had so many lights, different colored ones. They were blinking a pattern:Red, green, blue, then a blinding flash. It was chasing, or following another round object that was made of light. The 'light ball' was almost playful, until the 'oval' slanted, began to go down. The 'light ball' zoomed away at an amazing speed, and suddenly stopped, and stayed at that spot, blinking.


This report was submitted anonymously, so we are not able to corroborate any of the facts. PD

Posted 2000-05-03

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