NUFORC UFO Sighting 12722

Occurred: 2000-04-20 21:23 Local
Reported: 2000-04-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 second
No of observers: 0

Location: Magna (west of), UT, USA

Shape: Light

An Orange point of light. a Orange point of light came from over the great salt lake comming East swinging to it right (South) and then swinging to its left (North) and vanishing to the North.

April 20,2000 Time 9:23 pm.-An Orange point of light-Duration, All of one second. I was driving west on western drive on my way to work where a Orange point of light came from over the great salt lake comming East swinging to it right (South) and then swinging to its left (North) and vanishing to the North. The maneuver was like a question mark over the distance of a mile above and to the South of the great salt lake.


One of several reported sightings from same source. PD

Posted 2000-05-03

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