NUFORC UFO Sighting 12712

Occurred: 2000-04-22 17:15 Local
Reported: 2000-04-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 min +
No of observers: 1

Location: Sullivan, MO, USA

Shape: Cigar

Driving East on I44 saw object moving very slowly against broken clouds in view 2 min then disappeared.

Driving East on I44 after sunset - sky was still light. Saw a cigar/lenticular shaped object, distant - it didn't appear any closer after driving 2 miles toward it. Dark color, no visible lights, moving very slowly roughly North to South. It was below cloud level (broken clouds) which was about 12.000 ft. I decided this was not an aircraft of any kind I recognized and began to move to the shoulder of the highway so I could get a camera and field glasses. As I was looking at it, it simply vanished. It did not go behind a cloud, it did not visibly speed up and move off. It just vanished as I was watching.


Witness who submitted report indicates he is a member of "MUFON," the Mutual UFO Network. He is a medical professional.

Posted 2000-05-03

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