NUFORC UFO Sighting 126539

Occurred: 2016-03-23 12:00 Local
Reported: 2016-03-26 03:53 Pacific
Duration: 1 second
No of observers: 2

Location: Iran, , Iran

Shape: Other

picture of black parrallelogram, static, between clouds and mountain area.

we did not see any thing directly, so after watching the pictures in my gallery, I found Unidentified Flying Object in the sky. The location was in mountain area. The object is approximately in the middle distance between clouds and plain area. Its color was completely black with no zoom position of camera it can clearly seen the 3D shape of this object (parallelogram.) during 10 seconds later, my son took 2 other pictures in the same view without any appearance of this UFO. Furthermore, this object was in static position in the picture.


Photo indicates a dark colored, parallelogram shaped, object. We do not know what it is, but cannot conclude that it is an alien craft. PD

Posted 2016-04-01

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