NUFORC UFO Sighting 12623

Occurred: 2000-04-14 03:27 Local
Reported: 2000-04-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3-4 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Newfields, NH, USA

Shape: Unknown

Clear night and very quiet. Newfields, NH is very rural. I was looking up at the stars and noticed a moving object. The object was moving magnetic north (helps to have a lensatic compass nearby) I estimate the object's elevation at approx. 30,000 ft. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that it was moving at an incredible rate of speed.

Awoke at (my) normal time (03:05 . Made a cup of coffee, and went outside to smoke a cigarette. Clear night and very quiet. Newfields, NH is very rural. I was looking up at the stars and noticed a moving object. I thought it was a commercial aircraft at first, then thought it might be a star due to it's brightness and size. I would say the size of the object was twice the size of a star. The object was moving magnetic north (helps to have a lensatic compass nearby) I estimate the object's elevation at approx. 30,000 ft. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that it was moving at an incredible rate of speed. When looking at aircraft that are at a high altitude, they tend to look like they are moving very slow. To me, if I had to approximate the land, or near land speed - I would say it was in excess of mach 5 The other oddity is that most aircraft - even at a high altitude tend to leave some sort of sound trail. This did not. That's what struck me so odd about this. I know it was NOT a "shooting star" as the time rate was far to long. Maybe it was a satellite ?

Posted 2000-04-15

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