NUFORC UFO Sighting 125721

Occurred: 2016-02-06 18:45 Local
Reported: 2016-02-09 10:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Camp Lake, WI, USA

Shape: Light

briliant bright light in a perfect round shape, close to the ground without any sound. it was traveling very fast

I was driving to meet friends. I had to stop at a stop sign directly in front of my destination. It was dark outside no stars were visible. I saw a bright circle fly over the road and building in front of me. (low to ground) . I would estimate it was about 100 feet off of the ground. the circle was a perfect circle, the light had clear edge's with no blurring or fading like a normal light. It seemed to be lite from within and had the appearance of parchment paper lite from behind by a very bright light. This object was large (small plane size) this was not a Chinese lantern as it was traveling way to fast and I have seen lanterns many times in the past. The way the object traveled was very smooth and straight. it was traveling about twice the speed of a small plane. There was no sound to the object and it seemed to blink out, or turn off after it went over the building in front of me. The object left no tail/trail as it went by me.

Posted 2016-02-11

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