NUFORC UFO Sighting 125397

Occurred: 2015-10-08 20:00 Local
Reported: 2016-01-22 10:42 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: New Kensington, PA, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object

I saw a light through my mini blinds and I peaked out my east window. It was an orange fireball, moving east to west. I continued to watch for maybe one minute and it passed out of sight over my house. I figured if it continued on the same path I'd be able to see it from my West window.

After about 1 minute it appeared directly overhead as I thought. At an arm's length, it appeared 1/2 the size of my thumb (1/2"). The fireball continued at the same altitude, color, and speed.

The sky was mostly clear with patches of thin clouds, thin enough to still see stars through. I'd say it was moving within the clouds as the clouds collected some of it's light. My rough altitude estimate is 1,000-4,000ft.

Amazed at how long this object was lasting I debated to grab a camera, call a neighbor, or continue to watch.

I went to another room to grab my camera and was again amazed it was still visible and continuing on in the same manner when I returned. I thought I was recording video. I switched my attention from my phone to my window until it was no longer visible in my phone screen.

I called my dad and told him what I was looking at and it disappeared from sight halfway through our conversation. Judging by the phone call and timing running from room to room, I'd say the event lasted 10 minutes.

When I say it disappeared, I mean it was too small to see. I watched it from pretty much horizon to horizon.

When I look at a map and think about its trajectory, it's likely it was traveling precisely east to west.

As for the video I captured, a disappointing, shaky second long video. I later realized the following week my touch screen had dead spots in it. So, activating the video was clunky.

I will send a digital drawing I did of the fireball.

Posted 2016-01-23

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