NUFORC UFO Sighting 125264
Occurred: 2016-01-14 06:30 LocalReported: 2016-01-14 10:29 Pacific
Duration: 2.5 hours
No of observers: 2
Location: Hendersonville, NC, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Very bright object in the sky with faint red light at the top, not a star.
My husband and I saw a very bright object in the sky to the east. It was about a centimeter in diameter, with a faint red light at the top, hovering above a mountain behind our house. It moved very slowly to the right for over an hour, and then moved upwards for another hour.
An airplane flew in the distance behind the object, so I know for a fact it was not a star.
We were still able to see the object for about 30 minutes after the sun came up. My husband and I are still in awe, and we are both positive now that we are not alone in the universe.
Posted 2016-01-14
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