NUFORC UFO Sighting 125247
Occurred: 2016-01-13 06:20 LocalReported: 2016-01-13 13:37 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Danville, VA, USA
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
I turned onto my road from my drive way. As soon as I straightened up, I saw it. I thought what in the heck is that!! I drove several miles and it never moved. I pulled over and took several pictures with my phone. One picture took but it appeared as a large light source and did not have the borders that were so plainly seen with the naked eye. It appeared as it was hovering over my city. As I got to town, I picked up my riders as I'm a Medi-caid driver. I picked up 3 passengers and I immediately began to describe what I saw. They didn't seem to interested until I pulled up to the stop sign and I said, OK then what is that? They all said Oh my God, what is that? WE sat there for a few moments observing it. It appeared it was not moving but stationary. There were no stars in the sky making this a phenomenal sight. The outer portion of the main part of the object was outlined in green lights. It looked like a children's top that you pushed on the top and it would spin on the floor. The top had a light orange on it. You could see the outline of what appeared as fins. They had no lights on them but it appeared as a silhouette of light coming from the body. They appeared to be the shape of a point on a 5 point star that you would draw. I was extremely excited as I've always wanted to see a UFO. At the same time I was scared. I didn't know what it's purpose was and were there a lot of these throughout the nation or just over Danville. I called the police on 911 and explained what I was seeing. They asked where i was and I told them and they said they would have an office come out. I told the dispatch lady an officer doesn't need to come where I'm at just tell him to go out of the building and he'll see it.
When I got back into town I called the police station. They said that the night shift, whom I talked with DID NOT leave any messages about a strange light. I thought, "that's crazy"!
I then called the radio station and they gave me the same message. I thought if any one was outside! this morning, they would have seen this thing. As I watched it, I had the unusual feeling that it wanted to contact me. It scared me as I did not know what it's intentions were. Was it friendly, were they violent, etc.
Posted 2016-01-14
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