NUFORC UFO Sighting 125217

Occurred: 2016-01-01 00:30 Local
Reported: 2016-01-11 18:17 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Thermopolis, WY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

One black triangle shaped ufo hovering with flashing different colored lights on all 3 sides of object.

Date of Sighting: 1/1/16 Location of Sighting: Thermopolis, Wy, Time of Sighting: 12:30 a.m.

Number of UFOs Seen: One Weather: Clear Cloudless Sky, Around Zero Degrees Reporter of Sighting: Woman 59 years of age; employed in legal profession and work for the federal government.

Equipment used for Sighting: Binoculars I was in a motel room on second floor.

I wanted to try out my new binoculars, so went outside on the balcony.

I immediately noticed flashing colored lights in one area.

I focused the binoculars on the lights.

The ufo I saw was in the sky, and was a black triangle with different colored lights flashing on all 3 sides of the object.

The ufo was hovering and appeared to be not moving in any direction.

The colored lights on the 3 sides of the ufo were flashing.

I stayed on the balcony for half an hour, despite the zero degree temperature because the object fascinated me and I wanted to be certain it was not a plane or a planet.

The flashing lights outlined a black triangle so the shape of the ufo was definitely a triangle.

I zoomed my binoculars in on other objects i.e. stars, etc.

The stars had no colored lights and were not flashing; they were stationary white stars.

I finally concluded this was definitely a triangle shaped ufo with various colors of flashing lights on all 3 sides of the triangle, and that the object was hovering in the sky.

The next night on 1/2/16, I went outside on balcony at same time and the object was not in the night sky.

Posted 2016-01-14

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