NUFORC UFO Sighting 125203

Occurred: 2016-01-07 20:30 Local
Reported: 2016-01-10 08:53 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Clanton, AL, USA

Shape: Cylinder

Cylinder or Cigar Shaped Object (Vertical) with 3 Orange Lights

I am reporting this sighting for my girlfriend, my teenage son and his teenage girlfriend. Unfortunately I was out of town on business at the time.

As my 16 year old son left to drive his girlfriend home, he noticed strange lights in one of our fields/pastures on our property. He thought at first that some lights may have been left on down near the hunting lodge about 200 yards from the main house. Upon returning, he summoned my girlfriend to walk outside and look. They determined it was in the field and nowhere near the lodge and in fact all power to the lodge was off. They both described it as capsule shaped but vertical not horizontal. It was three separate orange lights stacked on top of each other forming the capsule/cylinder.

What is important to note here is this: There is no access to that field other than our driveway/road which is 3/4 of mile long and blocked with a security gate. The field is surrounded by thick (really thick woods) and a large creek surrounds the field in a horseshoe fashion. Again... the only way in and out is to drive directly by our home.

They watched it for 5 minutes and called me. I tried to convince them to take a shotgun and drive out in my 4x4. They refused. This actually angered me because I was thinking there may be trespassers on the property but they said they could hear nothing and there was no movement. They literally locked themselves in the house for the night and had trouble sleeping. Upon returning home, I asked them separately to draw the object. They did, and they both had the same exact description. My son's girlfriend described the same thing, as she saw it 20 minutes prior. They never stayed outside to watch it until it did whatever it did to go out or "leave". This is due to the fact that in order to see it, they had to walk about 50 yards from the house in the dark in order to see it.

Personally I'm upset that they did check it out. I may sound like a bad dad, but I'm a firm believer in protecting my property.

Posted 2016-01-14

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