NUFORC UFO Sighting 125158

Occurred: 2015-01-07 05:00 Local
Reported: 2016-01-07 15:30 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Livingston, NJ, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Missing Time

Red and Green UFO Spotted in Livingston NJ, descened then hovered by my car. AMAZING!!!!!

As I was driving the gym at 5am as I do every day, I looked up to observe the early sky, as I do every day and it was all dark, no stars, even the clouds looked dark. Then I noticed a green light REALLY HIGH in the sky and just assumed it was a plane because I live close enough to the Newark Airport. But this light was different, it was BRIGHT it did not blink or waver, then it started to descend and I thought omg this plane is going to crash, but it came down with such grace and ease it was unreal.

As it got closer, I noticed it now was showing red lights as well. I was driving, so I could not catch all the patterns of lights, but I noticed at least 2 red and 2 green sometimes all 4 were lit, sometimes just 1 of each or 1 red and 1 green.

Now it gets really freaky because no one else was on the road and I usually see at least 1 car, this ufo followed my car. It literally descended towards my car, followed me through my neighbor hood and got within 20 feet of my car at the light right in front of the Livingston Police Station.

It was absolutely silent no noise, this thing moved unlike anything I have ever seen. I felt an eerie sense of calm, peace and quite for the 5 minutes this ufo was in my life.

There was something in there manning this ufo, more than one something, I felt them looking at me, it LITERALLY bee-lined for my car, hoovered at the stop light then disappeared into thin air. No lights, no noise literally left me feeling like a crazy person.

But I know this was real, I know in my heart what happened to me and I know they came in peace.

I told my best friend she feels the same.

I have never felt or seen anything like this in my life.

This was AMAZING.

I could not make out a specific shape of the ufo, it seemed disc like by the lights but there was this haze around the whole thing making it really hard to see the actual was NUTS!! I felt like all time stopped, and it took me HOURS to comprehend what happened.

Posted 2016-01-08

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