NUFORC UFO Sighting 125040
Occurred: 1979-07-15 15:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2016-01-02 09:04 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Deoghar (India), , India
Shape: Circle
Multiple white couloured, perfectly round, full-moon like (without spots) objects crossing the sky fromeast to west....equal sizes
Still, I can see that 1 minute! It was 1979. I can connect the year because of NASA's space-station "Skylab" was about to fall on earth after damage around that time. I was following the news (through "Jugantar" news-paper,in Bengali) and curious if the parts of "Skylab" fell down at Deoghar (my town, currently within Jharkhand-state of India)!!! Lot of was that time. We were returning from school ("Satsang Tapoban Vidyalay") around 3pm.
While crossing Habua's tea-stall (jhopri-type), I and my friend Kamal clearly observed that few perfectly-round, white, glittering objects (like full moon but without any spot) are crossing the sky from east to west direction! At first 2, then 1....then 5-7....then 2-3.....then 15-20 in the span of 1 minute! Many people around saw those white objects. I was thinking then that those objects must be "Skylab"-part.But,when I think now - it's clear to me....those can't be "Skylab"-parts as the shape is perfectly round and all dishes are equal in size. Yes, those were the FLYING OBJECTS still UNIDENTIFIED by may call the same as UFO !
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2016-01-05
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