NUFORC UFO Sighting 124744

Occurred: 2015-12-17 19:00 Local
Reported: 2015-12-18 13:29 Pacific
Duration: 40 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Madison, MS, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby


Last night Thursday, December 17th, 2015, (7:00 PM). I ran into Walgreen's in Madison, MS, leaving my father in the car, when I returned I apologized for taking so long (10 min.), his reply was that’s ok, I have been watching the weirdest things in the sky, he said look over there and where he pointed there were two disc shaped objects with lights changing from red to green. They looked like they were hovering over Home Depot, it put chills all over me!

We sat there a few more minutes (7:15 PM) and decided to leave and go out of the city where there would be no light pollution to watch them. We drove about a mile and lost them, after getting to an area that was dark and a clear shot of the sky we parked and looked for another 5 or so minutes without seeing anything, I then left heading west after a couple of miles I turned back east and drove to a top of a hill where we saw them again (7:35 PM), they were much further away to the west and not as close together but were stationary and changing from red, green to white. There were several planes in the sky so you could defiantly tell they were not planes.

After another 5 or so minute’s they shot off to the West. I decided to report this sighting after my father called me to tell me someone from the Madison Airport reported seeing several UFO’s last night.

This is not my first time seeing this type of thing, I grew up about 15 miles west of Madison, MS, and in the time I lived in Flora, MS (21 yrs.) I saw more than I can count Unidentified Flying Objects mostly in the Big Black River bottom west of town. There have been several national stories done on all of the UFO sightings in that area. This is the first time in 28-30 years I have seen any, but knowing from many years ago you could see a lot of them for a few months and then not see any for months or longer. I believe if you will watch you will continue to see them for a while.

I will be watching for more sightings in the weeks to come with a good camera in hand.

Posted 2015-12-21

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