NUFORC UFO Sighting 124684

Occurred: 2015-12-14 19:00 Local
Reported: 2015-12-14 18:23 Pacific
Duration: 4 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Jasper, GA, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Left a trail

Orange object, no sound, lasted four seconds. Became brighter, then disappeared.

On the evening of 12.14.2015, between the hours of 1830 and 1930 in Jasper GA, Pickens County, I saw a large, glowing, orange object appear; round in shape. It was very bright, got even brighter, then dimmed and disappeared. It was constantly moving, and presented no sound. What seemed peculiar about the object was that it lasted four seconds. I have seen many meteors and have never seen anything like this, or last for this duration.

Near Highway 108, approximately 2.0 Miles West of Highway 515. I was outside on the phone facing directly West. The object moved from the North to the Northwest.

Posted 2015-12-17

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