NUFORC UFO Sighting 124655

Occurred: 2015-12-13 17:50 Local
Reported: 2015-12-13 15:03 Pacific

Location: Musquodoboit Harbor (Canada), NS, Canada


Saw huge, bright fluorescent white orb appear in the Easterly night sky, did about turn (like a camera shutter) instantly disappeared.

December 13, 2015: Approximately 5:50 pm, I was sitting in hot tub looking up at the night sky and saw very large fluorescent white orb in the sky (Easterly). Orb appeared, did an about face on itself (like a camera shutter), and instantly disappeared into the black.

I follow the space stations, satellites, star constellations, shooting stars, and having been aircrew, can identify aircraft. This is nothing like I've seen before!

Posted 2015-12-17

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