NUFORC UFO Sighting 124638

Occurred: 2015-12-11 22:00 Local
Reported: 2015-12-12 00:12 Pacific
Duration: Reoccurring for about las
No of observers: 3

Location: Bremerton, WA, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Iridescent flashing orb over Kitsap County/West Puget, WA. Reoccurring sighting.

Very beautiful craft, pulsing brilliant iridescent light. Viewed through a telescope craft appears to be many, many different colors constantly pulsing, flashing, and dancing. When craft is veiled in clouds, obvious illumination of cloud material itself occurs, confirming for me that it is indeed its own source of light.

First encounter the craft was very well behaved, stayed in the same relative airspace, elevation and distance away with occasional upper atmosphere visits accompanied by physics defying aerial maneuvers. Second encounter was about the same.

The encounter being reported as of tonight was the first time craft had been observed flying out of sight on a linear trajectory, then promptly returing to sight within 20 seconds. Observed at least 5 FAA approved aircraft within UFO's airspace, which I denote is why the craft uncharicteristiy fled. First two encounters had no confirmed human craft observed, UFO stayed in consistent sight, flashing and dancing for hours to all night.

Posted 2015-12-17

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