NUFORC UFO Sighting 124605
Occurred: 2015-12-10 17:30 LocalReported: 2015-12-10 09:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Dubai (UAE), , United Arad Emirates
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Possible abduction
This ufo moved across the sky with zero sound and did not blink once. This was spotted by me and my friend in Dubailand in Dubai. A gold-light object moving in zig-zag and up and down spontaneous... and it fades away and the second time we saw it stood still like a star. It was really strange that is stood still in the sky like a star we waited it to move but it did not then we started walking then after a while it was missing again. But whenever it moved it was moving very strange way.. Actually I was not able to take a photograph because I was observing its movement and there was my friend who also seen this along with me.
Possibly not a serious report?? PD)
Posted 2015-12-10
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