NUFORC UFO Sighting 124573
Occurred: 2015-12-07 01:00 LocalReported: 2015-12-08 12:17 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Huntington, WV, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted
Triangular white LED lights in the pitch black night sky.
I was outside childishly throwing pebbles at a huge possum that was sitting on a branch way up in the tree when in my perephreal vision I saw what appeared to be a flock of white birds in the pitch black night sky. As they flew closer I noticed it wasn't birds at all but white led lights in a perfect v formation. It flew low and quickly and just as fast as it appeared it disappeared. I understand there is another explanation. It may have been a government drone. However if it wasn't the only other explanation is just out of this world.
Posted 2015-12-10
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