NUFORC UFO Sighting 124550

Occurred: 2015-12-04 16:25 Local
Reported: 2015-12-06 20:47 Pacific
Duration: 55 minutes
No of observers: 7

Location: Jefferson, MD, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Star-like object on a sunny day moved slowly to the southeast, then disappeared 55 minutes later at twilight.

To the naked eye the object looked like a bright star straight above us in the daylight. The sky was blue, the sun was low & orangish-yellow. The object was a bright cold white & size of a night star when first sighted. It moved too slowly to notice movement w/my bare eyes unless I was still & comparing its location to a roof gutter above me. Via a monocular at times some markings that looked like a very blurred "Boys and Girls Clubs of America" logo were on it. Other times it looked like the moon with blurred craters but it was much too small to be the moon. Could not tell if it was 1000's of feet up or many miles up. There was no ground wind. It was tough to hold the monocular still. Had bluish top left edge & reddish bottom right edge. Was not 'smoothly' round. Had a barely visible heat distortion or exhaust on left & right sides (shown above).

The object later became a faded orange before disappearing in the dark sky. It moved a total of about 30 deg south east before it was gone at twilight when outdoor lights were on.

4 other adults & 2 children also saw it. 2 of the adults were passers-by and 2 adults I knew and then asked them to come outdoors to look. Of those, only me and a child saw it with a viewing aid – a monocular.

Via the monocular, my school-age child said it looked like a white doughnut with the hole more to the right. They said it had slight 'exhaust' coming out of the sides but they saw no blue & red colors like I saw. As like all clear days, jets at varying altitudes and a small prop plane were also visible flying by when looking at the object.

Posted 2015-12-10

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