NUFORC UFO Sighting 124544
Occurred: 2015-12-05 23:30 LocalReported: 2015-12-06 12:06 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Whitesburg, KY, USA
Shape: Triangle
Black triangle over Whitesburg in Letcher County Kentucky.
My friend and I were out using a telescope to view the moon. We were on top of Pine Mountain which is the highest point in the area. While looking at the moon and just talking etc I noticed a black triangle shape just to the right of the moon from my vantage point. I pointed it out to my friend who then saw it as well. The object had no lights and was making no sound. It at first appeared to be stationary but watching it closely it was "floating" across the sky as if it were in geosynchronous orbit. We used the telescope to try for a detailed look but nothing could be gained further from that magnification. It "floated" in view there for just a couple of minutes before it accelerated in a direction that appeared to be straight up from our viewpoint. When it shot off it again made no sound. It still had no lights and the physical acceleration was so much that no human would have been able to survive the g-force. From the time the! acceleration was noticed to the time it was out if sight was approximately 1/2 to 1 second. The craft was triangle in shape and black in color. The black stood out against what clouds were out which made the black craft appear darker than some of the sky around it..if explaining it like that makes sense. Thank you for having somewhere a person can report sightings such as this without fear of you being the guy that says little green men. Thx again.
Posted 2015-12-10
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