NUFORC UFO Sighting 124501
Occurred: 2015-12-04 00:22 LocalReported: 2015-12-03 23:07 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Goose Creek, SC, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
Three sets of hovering lights over Hwy 52 in Goose Creek, South Carolina.
Ok so... Anyone who really knows me can probably tell you about how much of an extraterrestrial/ufo fanatic I am. But not many know why...
When I was 7, I was invited to a camp out at a buddies house for his birthday. Halfway through the night we look up in the sky to see two very distant lights chasing each other with UNBELIEVABLE speed and changing direction on a dime... Things that planes can not do... That memory has stuck with my all my life and is the main reason why I find anything to do with "aliens" super interesting, but... I had not personally witnessed another UFO with my own eyes since then... Until tonight...
I stayed at work late to work on my car, nothing out of the usual. I finished up and locked up the shop to head home. So as I am making my way out of Goose Creek towards Moncks Corner, I notice 3 individual sets of lights in the sky. As I got closer I noticed they didn't seem to be moving... AT ALL... So naturally I think, "no one's going to believe me," so I whipped out my phone and recorded the following video... (Insert Video).
Video Description: Three sets of lights hovered in the distance. As I get closer the video quality improved. I ride, pretty much right under the crafts and get a pretty detailed video of them. As they passed over the car, and right as I stopped the video, I came to almost a complete stop and downed my window to find it almost completely silent… I never saw the objects again after they passed above my windshield horizon. I tried to look back but they seemed to have vanished…
Posted 2015-12-04
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