NUFORC UFO Sighting 12119
Occurred: 1988-06-26 16:00 LocalReported: 2000-02-24 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 0
Location: Napa, CA, USA
Shape: Chevron
Chevron-slowly flying from SE to NW reminded me of a stealth plane with the edges in red-orange flames. Rest of object was cloaked (invisible)
I was driving in a residential neighborhood, going north, alone in my car when I looked east and saw a V-shaped object, bigger than a football field, with red-orange flames on its edges forming a flaming V. There were no other external features, so if it was a stealth plane, then it was cloaked in invisibility. As soon as I saw the object it began moving from SE to NW at impossible speed. It went from east to west within 2 seconds, starting at an altitude about a half mile and crashing into the earth on the west side of town. I was sure it crashed near Denny's on Solano Ave. It made absoutely no sound. I have been observing UFOs since 1966 and have seen several, one 20-30 feet above me. That's another story.
Posted 2000-02-27
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