NUFORC UFO Sighting 12078

Occurred: 2000-02-15 19:11 Local
Reported: 2000-02-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 00:05
No of observers: 1

Location: Barnum, MN, USA

Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

I had been driving home from work and I seen lights rotating. I stopped and backed up to get a better look. While backing up the UFO quickly reversed with me. I shifted into drive and the UFO followed me for another 100 yards. Then it began to retreat as I hurried home. The UFO had multiple lights originating on the larger part of the teardrop, and had a number between 2-4 lights on the narrow part of the craft.

Many lights (6-7) originated from the larger part of the teardrop shaped craft. While only 2-4 came from the narrow tip. It was extremely fast in the way it followed my reverse. It had been hovering about 100 feet from the roadside over trees. The lights were like chasing lights it would start from the front from where I could see and move to the left. Then it would skip an area and continue along the back until it came around to the front again. It seemed to have a dome shaped area on top of it on the larger end, and the bottom appeared to be flat.

Posted 2000-02-23

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