NUFORC UFO Sighting 120093
Occurred: 2015-07-04 20:30 LocalReported: 2015-07-05 00:12 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Strasburg, OH, USA
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
6 UFO's. Brilliant RED. Larger than commercial aircraft. Faster than commercial aircraft. No sound.
Sighted all craft at N.E and S.E of our position. Our position was as we were sitting on our back porch. First craft sighted was S.E. of us headed north at altitude. It was a large brilliant red circle. It all of a sudden just disappeared. The second craft was sighted at the same time but was NE of us and "at" altitude and headed in a southern direction. The third craft was soon then spotted NOT AT altitude but came "from behind" the distant ridgeline I would say that is approx. 5 miles away.
My location is on a ridgeline of a valley. The fourth craft followed the third soon after. The fifth came out "in front of" the ridge line and the sixth came soon after from behind the ridge line again. The last craft headed to the south and one headed to the east. As they raised up above the ridgeline they were HUGE and BRILLIANT RED CIRCLES or orbs. By comparison they were several times larger than any commercial aircraft at that distance! . The brilliance of the red lights and size was ..geesh. They all rose relatively slowly at about a 45 degree angle then when they reached a certain altitude they gained speed. Two of them disappeared then reappeared then the lights got smaller as they took off. The others gradually reduced in size or brilliance as they "quickly" distanced themselves until they disappeared. What you would expect from a craft going from close to distant quickly. No sound at all. About a half hour or so later two "air craft" were seen flying from south to north. One at about the same altitude as "the craft" before they took greater speed and a second at a lower altitude very close to where we saw the majority of the craft come above the horizon or ridge line. Wish I had a camera! One did change color from red to white then back again. This was NOT fireworks.
Posted 2015-07-06
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