NUFORC UFO Sighting 120059
Occurred: 2015-07-04 22:00 LocalReported: 2015-07-04 22:46 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Red and green lights flashing, while hovering and moving, then stopping.
We were watching fireworks and I noticed high in the sky bright green lights flashing in a row then bright red lights flashing in a row. The craft was just hovering for quite some time, then it moved and then just stopped and hovered again. We seen a plane and a helicopter flying in a different direction which we were able to clearly make out, but we could not make out the shape of the craft because of the lights. It hovered and moved a couple of times and it looked strange the way it could just stop and make no movement instantly.
After a while it just seemed to drop then take off. No sound was heard from the craft.
Posted 2015-07-06
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