NUFORC UFO Sighting 120007

Occurred: 2015-07-03 22:30 Local
Reported: 2015-07-04 00:38 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: North Aurora, IL, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Fire propelled non-lantern, non-drone UFO very visible and caught on video.

Okay, have never seen anything odd/ufo-like until tonight. I even got video because I’d been taking shots of the nearly full red moon. Was only doing that because I’d been taking pics of fireworks going off in the area and noticed the moon.

Suddenly, I noticed this red/orange ball of light that was tracking across the sky sort of my direction and came from my line of sight to the moon. Thought at first it would just die out as being the end of a firework. Nope. It stayed steady at first in its travel, although it seemed to be spinning.

I then thought maybe I’m seeing my first drone. But the more I watched it literally seemed like fire causing the light, and yet I didn’t think a lantern would travel like this. My eyes aren’t great, so I just filmed it come closer, not exactly going the same speed or evenly and then fly overhead past the overhang on my balcony… then I went back to taking pics of the moon.

Maybe 2 minutes later (of course I had the camera put down by then), the sucker is back, traveling basically the exact same route. Only I didn’t see how it GOT there. Did not see it circle back around. I was only able to capture some of the 2nd sighting on video.

Was curious to see what I’d filmed, so instantly downloaded it to the computer. Now, my camera takes excellent shots and the ones of the moon were a great example. It wasn’t that large in the sky and yet I’m able to get the craters, all the features (and oddly, some other lights near the moon which I also couldn’t explain because they changed frame to frame and I don’t think satellites move that fast).

Anyway, the fireball was definitely fire inside. It appeared to be inside something and that something would rotate end over end and or sideways. I captured the texture of the outside and its freaking weird. The word ‘blob’ comes to mind, but there were kind of like puffy layers to it and I strongly believe the fire part only came out of one end, which had sort of a torn appearance.

From the movement, no way was it a lantern or it would’ve caught fire and gone down quickly – certainly wouldn’t have returned either. From the video I feel like I saw something that belonged in the ocean, except it was fire-propelled and in the sky for anyone to see.

Posted 2015-07-06

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