NUFORC UFO Sighting 120005

Occurred: 2015-06-20 21:40 Local
Reported: 2015-07-04 02:03 Pacific
Duration: 20-30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Columbia, SC, USA

Shape: Fireball

Soundless Oval fireball - first still, then moving rapidly over Southeast Columbia, SC.

On the night of June 20, around 9:40pm, I was walking home with my son when I believe I witnessed a UFO.

As we were walking, I saw what appeared to be an oval fireball to the east. It appeared to be very close but I did not hear any sound. It also did not appear to be moving.

After 5-10 seconds of looking at it, I pulled out my phone to make a video. After a few seconds of video with my son and I walking toward the object, it appeared to move away at a rapid speed. The video ends when the object disappears under the tree line.

I will be emailing that video to the address given. Subject "june 20 Columbia South Carolina".

Posted 2015-07-06

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