NUFORC UFO Sighting 120003
Occurred: 2015-07-04 02:45 LocalReported: 2015-07-04 05:11 Pacific
Duration: 90 minutes
No of observers: 28
Location: Mesa, AZ, USA
Shape: Light
Location: Top of hill, south central Mesa, AZ, close to Interstate 60.
Distance: Approx. 0.5 mile from observer, facing north
Source: Periscope user broadcasting sighting, with over 28 live users watching at some time Observation Time: 02:45 to 04:15 approx
Description: 3 lights observed over South Central Mesa, AZ, close to Interstate 60. 2 of the lights over each other but not perfectly (approx 10 degree off ) stationary. 3rd light bellow also at the same angle, this one is flashing and moving up and down fairly fast.
All lights changing color from white, yellow and blue. Something lights fading but not at the same time. Top light and bottom light had a relation Ex: color change simultaneously and vanishing and coming back (but not all the time) this was observed about 4 time. Middle light not changing much and not at the same time as the other two. No sounds. Light just vanished without movement.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2015-07-06
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