NUFORC UFO Sighting 119998

Occurred: 2014-06-19 04:00 Local
Reported: 2015-07-03 21:25 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes

Location: Puerto Aventuras and Tulum (Mexico), , Mexico

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Possible abduction

Encounter with grey followed by picture of UFO same day in Tulum, Mexico

First off, my incident happened in June 19, 2014, at approx. 4am, while visiting a resort in Puerto Aventuras, Mexico.

My husband and I were asleep in our king size bed, we sleep very close together. However, it felt like a dream. I woke up on the far left side of the bed, with a grey type alien at the foot end of the bed, probing around my stomach area. My body was very heavy, it took all I had to lift my arm towards my husband. I didn’t feel any pain, but I remember being so scared and trying to scream and reach for my husband. I couldn’t open my mouth to scream so I was screaming with my mouth closed and my husband was out of my reach, which is extremely unusual for us to be so far apart.

That is all that I remember, but when I actually woke up, I opened my eyes and reached for my hubby and he was out of my reach and I was at the far side of the bed.

Later that day, we went to Tulum, Mexico. We were taking alot of pictures, as my camera shoots 7 frames per second.

When we got home after reviewing our pictures closer, we realized that we believe we got a picture of the UFO. It is only in one frame and it is almost in the middle of the frame. I blew it off as a bird, but it is not in any other pictures. The more I look at it, the more I think it is a UFO.

There were also other sightings in the Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, area in that same week, which is only 20 minutes from where we were.

Posted 2015-07-06

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