NUFORC UFO Sighting 119813

Occurred: 2015-06-25 17:00 Local
Reported: 2015-06-28 17:21 Pacific
No of observers: 2

Location: Marlette, MI, USA

Shape: Disk

2 saucer shaped UFOs over farm field in Marlette, MI.

We have had what I call, "Suspect Sky," over Michigan, the weekend of June 25th, 2015, so I took a quite a few digital pictures from my phone.

During the couple days I told my wife that I feel something isn't right, but couldn't explain anything more than that into words. I found myself saying it repeatedly over the 2 days of photographing. After going through the photos late at night on the 26th, I found more than a few anomalies which I would consider "suspect", but after zooming in on 100 pictured or so my heart went through chest when I found to saucer shaped UFOs flying from south to north. They were a good distance away on the pic, but clear as day zoomed in. I will email 3 photos. One normal pic, one same distance with the UFOs circled, and one zoomed in.

Please feel free to contact me about these photos and the other anomalies I captured. I also have video of the sky on both days. Thank you

Posted 2015-07-03

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