NUFORC UFO Sighting 119741

Occurred: 2013-08-07 20:30 Local
Reported: 2015-06-26 10:40 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: West Pompano Beach, FL, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby

Three objects in close proximity moving in unison split up into three seperate objects witness by several people on TV. with pictures.

1. noticed pale blue cloud under hole through the dense cloud cover pretty low ceiling not in space. the walls of the hole were well defined , i could look up into hole to see wall definition.

2. no sound their was other aircraft in the distance all below cloud cover. a cigar shape with square windows [5] was seen in this same spot

3. to me the main object was like a rail road box car with lighted windows [4] it looked like it was being towed by two orange balls of light they were in close proximity to each other all three objects moved in unision going south. 45 degree above eastern horizion , the two orange balls of light each one half the size of full moon ,maybe one third the size. the leading orange ball spewed a jet like gas immission and both orange balls of light went to two different areas of the night time sky and posted there. the windowed object started going east. i have seen a orange ball of light during day time in janauary of! this same year heading to ft myers fla. 10 miles away over everglades, they are that bright. 5 . NASA did have saturn 4 rocket at the sametime [130] miles away. if this was connected it proves NASA is conspiring with aliens possibly for [70] years. NASA wrote a [13] page debuncking letter of this same sitting one year later sent to my e-mail address [WHY] i noticed nufurc change my initial sitting info to make it look like i saw a NASA object . these plasma lights up close by pilots around the world are saucer shaped objects.

Posted 2015-07-03

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