NUFORC UFO Sighting 119448
Occurred: 2013-08-15 00:00 LocalReported: 2015-06-10 04:24 Pacific
No of observers: 1
Location: Cordova, IL, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Changed Colo
Multi-colored translucent parachute-shaped UFO flashes briefly in the sky falling to ground, indiscernible size. Jellyfish-looking obje
Out jogging late at night on a country road near a power plant, seen a UFO...opalescent jellyfish in the sky lit up for a moment before disappearing, could have been an organism or an aircraft, seeming to fall down toward the ground and I could only make out a a clear, colorful parachute outline. It had a life-like appearance such as a jellyfish with colorful skin, an exoskelton, etc.
Could only compare it to a jellyfish or a parachute, but I definately saw something different. Lots of radiation in the area due to the power plant if that makes any difference.
Posted 2015-06-15
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