NUFORC UFO Sighting 119445
Occurred: 2010-05-01 23:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2015-06-09 21:09 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes roughly
No of observers: 2
Location: Calhoun, GA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Triangular lights, perfectly equilateral, moving in strange directions and slowly spreading out as if descending.
This was right after my high school graduation. I had went over to a friends house and we were celebrating, I was not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol.
At the time I was 17 about to turn 18. I was with my friend named ((male name deleted)), who is of the same age. At the time we were your typical high school students, full of energy and ready to tackle life.
It happened when we were out on his back deck. We were rather bored, and it was beautiful night, the stars were shining very bright and as we lived in a rural area away from any major cities we could see them more than most people.
It started when I was stargazing out on the deck, and happened to notice an equilateral triangle in the sky (composed of lights). As I had never noticed any perfect triangular constellations it really peaked my curiosity. I maintained gaze on this figure for quite some time and I realized that it was moving.
It was moving back and forth in ways that a normal aircraft wouldn't, left to right and up and down, repeating the same motions. I eventually signaled to my friend ((male name deleted)) that I thought I saw something weird and asked him if he could see it too. He said he did.
At this point the triangular shape started to descend, or I assume it did as the equilateral points of the triangle began to spread out very slowly.
We watched it for a good 15 minutes before my friend ((male name deleted)) said, "I'm going in, quit staring at it, you're bringing it closer to us." He then went inside genuinely scared that we were causing it to come to us.
Shortly after I decided to go in with him as I thought he was right and me being foolish and young didn't investigate further or continue to gaze at it.
I should also mention that there was a strange feeling of telepathy, as though the object knew that I was looking at it.
That is all, thank you.
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2015-06-15
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