NUFORC UFO Sighting 119432
Occurred: 2015-06-08 22:00 LocalReported: 2015-06-09 02:40 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Spring Hill, FL, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
Red-Blue color changing spheres dance over Spring Hill
Shortly after 22:00 hours on the night of June 8th a red sphere appeared on the horizon east of our house off of a Spring Hill Drive. The sphere moved in a zig zag pattern at a high rate of speed just above the tree line. Every time the UFO made an abrupt turn it changed colors, from bright red to bright blue and back to bright red.
Based on my estimate I would have to say that it was 1-2 miles away at most, and was between our house and veterans park which is also located on Spring Hill Drive.
After about 2 minutes the sphere dipped below the tree line and vanished. I remained outside to see if it was going to reappear for about 10 minutes and didn't see it again.
Posted 2015-06-15
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