NUFORC UFO Sighting 119165

Occurred: 2015-05-25 16:30 Local
Reported: 2015-05-26 10:38 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: West Sonoma County, CA, USA

Shape: Oval

White saucer silently traverses across the daytime moon, then, slightly changes direction.

Viewed from a motorcycle on The Bohemian Highway, at around four-thirty pm. The focus was on the sliver of Moon present in the day sky. An oval object, the size of a planet in the night sky, was traveling southwest across my field of vision. It was only noticed because I was looking at the moon. It was white ; the same shade as the moon. After approximately twenty seconds, it changed to a more southerly direction, where it proceeded until it was blocked out by the tall redwood trees, around two minutes later. There was no sound associated with the object that was detectible. The shape was unlike any aircraft I am aware of, and looked like a flying saucer or oval or cigar shape depending on how you discern that. My vision is perfect. It appeared like so many photos of these things to be an other-worldly craft.

Posted 2015-05-29

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