NUFORC UFO Sighting 119131
Occurred: 2015-05-01 20:45 LocalReported: 2015-05-24 11:20 Pacific
Duration: 4+ hours
No of observers: 5
Location: Winchester, VA, USA
Shape: Changing
Three spheres, circled with bright white lights, appear in same order every evening.
One sphere, circled with bright white lights, arrives about 20:45 in W sky, parks, in same area each evening lower than a landing pattern airplane. It spins and at times appears as an oval. Background is black. About 22:00 the object quickly departs site to the NW.
Second sphere with same description is located very high in the west. As first sphere departs, second moves quickly to the first position. About midnite or later, third sphere appears from very high position in the east to the former position of second sphere.
As second quickly moves to the NW, the third sphere replaces the same lower position as one and two held. Sometime after 1:00 am the third moves quickly to the N.
Every clear evening, we have witnessed the same patter since about the end of April.
This report originally was posted with a flawed date. We have corrected the date, to the best of our ability. Witness indicates a date of "May 2015." PD
Posted 2015-05-29
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