NUFORC UFO Sighting 118982

Occurred: 2015-05-19 20:30 Local
Reported: 2015-05-19 21:21 Pacific
Duration: ~8 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Plant City, FL, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Low flying, very quiet triangular craft with bright white lights flying very slowly over Plant City, Fl.

My teenage son and I were behind our apartment. His hamster had passed and we were looking for a spot to bury her. We looked up and saw what, a first, we thought was a tower with lights that we had not noticed before. It was a bank of lights that were very bright and a bit blurry so I cannot be certain how many - I would say four or five, my son thinks three. These lights were in a straight line and, as I said, we thought this was a tower we had not noticed before because the lights were very low in the sky. However, when we looked up again they were closer. There is a small craft airport near us and had the lights been headed in that direction or coming from that direction I would have dismissed them - they did neither, however. The craft was slow, much slower than a plane or a jet would have been especially at that altitude. As it drew closer we could see that the object was triangular. All of the lights were very bright, and all white. It passed over us s! lowly, seeming to get lower as it went. Because the lights were so bright we were unable to see anything distinguishing other than the shape and an obvious metallic sheen. As it passed overhead we heard a noise no louder than a semi would make passing on a highway. This sound was much lower than any jet or plane - however small - I have ever heard. We could talk easily in low voices and hear each other though it was quite close. As it passed overhead we ran through the breezeway of our apartment and out to the front where we watched it - still extremely low - pass over some trees and out of our sight. We watched the skies, and listened, for a full half hour but did not see it return. We were concerned maybe it was some sort of plane that was crashing as it was so low but, as I said, it passed much too slowly to be a plane. We heard nothing after that, nor did we see anything more. As it did not leave from the direction of the small airport nor did it travel in that directio! n I do not believe it was a small aircraft. It was, by far, on! e of the oddest things I have ever seen in my life. We have lived in this area for three years and have seen a lot of different small aircraft traffic from the little airport near us but this was like none of the planes we have ever seen. Nor was this any type of glider.

Posted 2015-05-22

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