NUFORC UFO Sighting 118739
Occurred: 2001-06-30 21:00 LocalReported: 2015-05-01 23:19 Pacific
Duration: 60 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Crestline, TN, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
Extremely fast light object splits into two after firework show, many witnesses.
We began watching the firework show, when my friend ((male's name deleted)) noticed a strange light in the sky.
We began watching the light more intently then the light show, noticing that there was no noise given off by the object. It was a solid light circling the light show with great speed taking less then a couple minutes to do a complete circle. There were no blinking lights on the object like you would normally see on an aircraft.
As soon as the show ended the light split into two and leveled out, heading westward.
Everytime someone brings up stories about UFO's, I have always brought up this story because I truly believe what we all saw that night was something out of this world.
Posted 2015-05-08
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