NUFORC UFO Sighting 118702

Occurred: 2014-08-20 02:00 Local
Reported: 2015-04-29 18:14 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour total
No of observers: 10

Location: Norfolk, VA, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Changed Color, Electrical or magnetic effects

We were off the coast of the eastern seaboard, not 100% sure but I think we were off the Carolina's. The boat was doing work ups getting ready for deployment, we had a full deployment crew.

Me and a couple of other ET's heard some of the watch standers on the island talking about seeing something crazy, they said something about trying lock on to it with the Nato Sea Sparrow Director's onto the object. Me and a handful of guys on the night shift ran up to the O-10 where the watch standers were watching it. They had the mounted Binoculars trained on the object. I thought they were mistaking two stars one of which looked like a pulsar (due to my pretty extensive knowledge of astronomy). The object then appeared between the two stars again, the other guys saw the object as well. We all thought we might be imagining it, asked each other a couple of times if they saw it too. We all agreed that it was there.

When I first noticed it, I thought I was imagining it. How could a star disappear then reappear right in front of me? I watched it through the mounted binoculars changing colors between blue, white, purple, and pink at high speed, it kept pulsing.

It seemed to stay motionless, the problem was that the altitude was just high for any of us to make out exactly what it looked like, from our vantage point we could see that it may have been hovering and possibly moving but just can't say for sure.

After about 5 minutes of viewing the object as we were all trying to get a look at it, a bright flash filled the sky in the location of the object, it looked like it shot with an incredible speed and was gone. We were traveling North, the object was northeast of our Northerly heading. Our speed was approximately 15 to 20 knots.

The three watch standers at there post reported that two similar objects had come out of the main relatively stationary object and then rejoined the main object.

During my time watching the object CIC (Combat Information Center) was trying to get a radar lock on the object with the Nato Sea Sparrow Missile Directors. The directors (which are radar directors, fire control radar) kept trying to lock onto the object then it would drop back down to the horizon, the OS's (Operation Specialists) trying to drive the director back there again. Every time they would drive to get a lock the lock would fail and the director would be driven back down again. It seemed to me that the object was overriding the directors drive control or that the radar receiver was being over powered and being forced by internal programming to protect its receiver, (to get away from the source of the electromagnetic radiation) it could have been over-driven by the object being to close but more than likely the object was jamming the radar. I can't say weather it was jamming the object passively or actively, just that the radar was being jammed.

After the sighting I checked the SPN-43 and SPS-49 radar in CATCC, neither of them had a radar return, although at that altitude the chances of a radar return are very slim.

I tried to report it to my chain of command, they laughed at me and said that we didn't see anything. We probably just excited, I didn't expect that reaction especially when CIC reacted the way they did.

Posted 2015-04-30

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