NUFORC UFO Sighting 118699
Occurred: 2015-04-29 20:30 LocalReported: 2015-04-29 21:05 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
Location: Marina Del Rey, CA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Aircraft with no lights flying over Marina Del Rey, CA at 8:30 PM 04-29-2015
I was outside looking up at the moon when I spotted a triangular craft flying across the sky. At first I thought it was a low flying plane, but then I realized there were no lights at all.
I live near LAX so there were a lot of other aircraft in the sky at the time, but I've never seen anything without lights.
Also, it appeared to be dark brown in color, and had 2 small spheres attached to it's sides.
I could not tell if there was any sound since there was a large truck nearby running a very loud pump.
My background: I am a 45 year old Digital Artist, with previous experience in Mortgage Banking.
Posted 2015-04-30
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