NUFORC UFO Sighting 118676
Occurred: 2015-04-21 07:00 LocalReported: 2015-04-28 05:04 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Canton, GA, USA
Characteristics: Animals reacted
Strange Noise
I live in the countryside. Every morning I get up early. I've heard all sorts of regular nature noises.
This morning, I heard something I've NEVER heard before in my life. It was a repeating noise. It seemed to be coming from the ground all around me - and the entire neighboring area. It was much louder than any natural noises (birds, etc...) The sun had risen but all of the birds were silent at the time (usually they are all doing their morning cackling at this time).
The noise was multi-toned - 3-4 tones at one time per sound. Each one sounded like a drawn out "gah" sound. It was NOT a natural sound. It repeated for about 15 minutes, and each sound was about 3 seconds apart.
Posted 2015-04-30
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