NUFORC UFO Sighting 118659
Occurred: 2015-04-26 21:48 LocalReported: 2015-04-27 04:50 Pacific
Duration: indefinite
No of observers: 2
Location: Flint/Lansing, MI, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Notified 911- An Officer of the Law witnessed this also! Red, Green, & White flashing lights, hovering in the night sky's.
WOW is all I can say! Last evening I was preparing for bed at 9:48 pm I forgot to shut my Bay Window in the front of the house, The window is Western sky view., I live N.E. of Flint, MI) I can also see the sky's in the area of Lansing Michigan (State Capital), however, I proceeded to the window, and strangely enough, I noticed some lights; Red, Green, & White in nature, simultaneous flashing back & forth, I studied it for a couple of minutes for we have an Airport s.w. of my home in that direction, so I almost brushed it off as a very tall tower for the Airplanes to know where the Airport is located. However... I've lived in this home for 18 years and NEVER seen this in that area before nor any towers. So I went to get my camera phone to try and video tape and unfortunately it was way too dark for the camera to pick it up. This object was hovering & very steadfast! And did so for approximately 20 minutes. I then decided at 10:09 to call 911 for I knew after viewing this object, it "wasn't normal!" I apologized to the wonderful young lady that answered the call, indicating that I didn't have a "normal emergency if one at all" that my call was in reference to. I then explained what I was & continued to see while talking to her, and asked that she step outside to see it for herself & others there, to witness this phenomenon. She politely said that she would send an Officer out and I replied back that it wasn't necessary for any one to come out, that I just wanted her to please view it. I then thanked her, hung up the phone, and approximately 7-8 minutes later an Officer was driving out of my Private Drive, so I opened my Bay Window and asked that he look over to the S.W. sky's to his right, he did and was amazed as I was!! We had discussed a couple of other things and then he said he was going to drive into the direction that the object is in, by then the object had moved slightly headed toward Lansing Michig! an way, we said good night, he drove away, I... still amazed, ! stood th ere for it seemed like forever and the object was picking up "ever so slightly" in speed heading toward the Lansing Area, Lake Michigan is also in that direction. To my amazement, I was satisfied that an Officer had seen it "trust me!", The object was moving out of view into the night sky, mind you still seeing the lights, but not so close any longer, I headed to bed! I then decided to call Channel 12 WJRT News Room and she actually called me CRAZY! I was ASTOUNDED by her actions to this matter, when in act, she could have just gone outside and witnessed it for herself! All she could say is "Do you know how many calls we get on this, are you saying a UFO?" I NEVER USED THE WORD... "SHE DID!" Then I said, well yes I suppose that could be such!" She replied "CRAZY!" I said "are you calling me crazy?" She replied "yes I am!" I tried to respond to her and she just HUNG UP THE PHONE! So IF there are that m! any calls about this matter, than what are reporters there for?? To INVESTIGATE! I "thought so anyway!"
Posted 2015-04-30
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