NUFORC UFO Sighting 118643
Occurred: 2015-04-25 21:45 LocalReported: 2015-04-26 18:06 Pacific
Duration: 0.5 seconds
No of observers: 3
Location: Houston, TX, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object
Downtown Houston, Texas, 3 people witnessed a quick oval flash through the sky at a fast speed.
st saw my first ufo. It was so fast. There is heavy cloud coverage and contrails are heavy here in Houston. I am downtown. I am.. just Shocked. It was just like a quarter second of lights through the clouds. 2 guys in front of me saw it too. Compass pointing south. About 45 degrees from horizon line.
Saw it around 945pm central. Located at east down warehouse in downtown Houston d. I honestly thought it was a plane at first.
We have lots of air traffic here, but it was too big and the lights were different.
It could have just been the right time right place for a cloud to open up to the meteor that skid across only a small patch of clouds It was fast. It felt close, like in a low cloud. It was so fast. The lights seemed out of this world.
They are a blur in my memory now, but they were amazing from what I remember
Posted 2015-04-30
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