NUFORC UFO Sighting 118625

Occurred: 2015-04-23 22:10 Local
Reported: 2015-04-24 18:52 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: King George, VA, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Huge rectangular craft, lights at both ends, slowly flying parallel to the Potomac River in Virginia.

I saw something fly across the sky last night as I drove north through a rural area of Route 301 in King George, Virginia. This craft was huge, was not moving very fast, and I couldn’t hear it make any noise. (I even opened my car window because I felt like I SHOULD be able to hear it. But I heard nothing but my own car.)

About 3-5 minutes passed from the time I noticed it approach on my right until I couldn’t see it anymore on my left (trees in the way). This happened at about 10:10pm the night of April 23, 2015.

I continued to drive as I watched it go by, not having a safe place at the time to pull over. (Unfortunately, the camera feature on my very old model of phone does not work. Darn it!) From my view this object seemed like a large rectangle. The shorter ends had white lights, three (or maybe more) across the front and at least two on the back with one red light blinking in the middle of the rear (between the white lights).

The object seemed very large because of the diminishing perspective of the row of lights, which at first made it seem like it was tilted at an angle but then I realized it was actually a row of lights covering a long length (the way a long fence seems smaller and at an angle the farther away it is from the viewer).

The two rows of lights remained equidistant from each other the entire time the craft passed by. (It was definitely NOT two planes flying in sync with each other, which my rational mind was trying to make work as an explanation.)

It was dark in the area between the lights. Though I seemed to be able to see “sky” between the two rows of lights, I don’t remember actually being able to see stars. It was like a large rectangular piece of glass floating by with lights at both ends.

If you have ever seen a large commercial plane landing, it seemed to be moving a little slower than that. It seemed to be flying parallel to the Potomac River on the Virginia side (crossing Route 301), maybe heading toward northern Virginia or Washington, DC.

Size? I wouldn’t be surprised if this thing was at least 100 meters by 300 meters or so.



Hello. I reported a UFO sighting that occurred on April 23, 2015 in King George, Virginia.

I was just taking a look at it, and for some reason it says King George, NC. I could have sworn I had entered "Virginia."

The sighting occurred in King George, VA.

I live in Winterville, NC.

Just thought you might want your record to be accurate. Thanks.



We finally amended the report on October 21st, 2015, with the posting of the above addendum, submitted on May 12, 2015. We apologize for the delay in correcting the report. PD

Posted 2015-04-30

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