NUFORC UFO Sighting 118616

Occurred: 1998-08-20 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2015-04-25 00:29 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Shawnee Mission, KS, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail

Bright shining light darting fast leaving trails in the sky.

On an August night between 9-10 P.M. 1998 in Shawnee mission Meriam, Kansas, three friends and I witnessed something we cannot explain.

It was a summer night and we were hanging out on top of an elementary school roof, next to an apartment complex one of our friends lived at.

Across from the school on the otherside of a sewer drainage ditch there was a Hardeys and Perkins restaurant, and over in the next parking lot was a retirement home highrise.

We were on top of the School roof when we saw this bright light come up over behind us and continue on over to the upper floor windows of the retirement home highrise, Our first thought was that it was a police helicopter. All we could really see was the bright light and was hard to make out any real shape but it reminded me of the spotlights I'd seen from police helicopters, but it just hovered around the upper level windows of the retirement home.

Then it seemed to spot us and it came down closer to us and concentrated its light on us I thought that the police would be yelling at us on their loud speaker to get off the roof of the school or tell us that we were in some kind of trouble, but then after shining its light on us for a few seconds it suddenly shot up into the sky and darted around at speeds so fast it left streaks and trails of lightin the sky like nothing any of us had ever seen before.

Then if came back down and shown its light on us again we were all stunned and in shock looking up at this object of light that we now realised was not a police helicopter.

There was some sort of shape or mass behind the light like a helicopter but as to the exact size or shape was hard to make out.

After probably about no more than 30 seconds after it came back down and was now shining its light on us I gotherd my thoughts and told everyone lets get out of here and we took off climbing off the roof and running across to our friends apartment complex, I remember after reaching it we could still see the object in the sky for a while Ive seen other stories on t.v. of U.F.O. around retirement homes and its made me wonder is there and connection between retirement homes and U.F.O.

It seemed to deliberatly been going there before it saw us or so it seemed.

After it saw us and then darted around we knew this was nothing we had ever seen before and had no explanation for all I can say is we saw a U.F.O.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2015-04-30

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